you'll enjoy reading this if you have this song for soundtrack
Here's a quicky one episode cause now, the schools are open and the obligations are much more. In addition, the weather here is rainy, cold and too windy so i can photoshoot my brand new casual clothe(im not gonna tell what it is, so stay tuned). i wish the weather will be better at the weekend! enjoy this one episode which is full of the past week's photos
a beautiful sunset, which was accompanied us to our way home
a brand new necklace. (been bought by my sister)
the first day of high school and homework (...)
an old picture of my two best friends at a kid's party
a NEW picture of my best friend ( the left girl of the previous picture)
a greek crossword with lana del rey at the cover (which is weird, because Lana is only famous on a specific age of people in Greece(15-24) )
finally, i've decided to show you my brand new clothe. unfortunately, i dont know which is the exactly meαning of this clothe and the ideal word to explain it (hope you liked it)
that's all for this week. Stay tuned for the outfit post in few days( i wish the weather be ally with us at the photoshoot)
See you soon.
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